Mata is a solo design and development studio creating strong brands for clients across digital and print.

Proud to work together, client and full-stack designer Matthew Allen, concept, design, and development, building special things since 2001. Full brand creative services, startups to fixups, evolution to revelation, SAAS to FMCG, from concept to delivery.


Wade Jackson

Coach / Performance Artist / Author / Speaker
Director @ Wade Jackson, Artistic Director @ Covert Theatre

“I have been working with Matt Allen for over 20 years. In that time, he has created brands, built websites, established e-commerce, designed books, workbooks, brochures, banners and so much more. He is much more than a designer - he’s a life saver and happens to be my go-to person for all things technical. What I love about Matt is he goes above and beyond the call and adds so much to whatever he is working on. He’s a great problem solver and someone you want on your team. I rate him incredibly highly and recommend his work.”

Brands designed for a variety of clients across many years. Brands are one thing that can stand the test of time. Proud to look back at some of these designs and still working with some clients today.


Kelly Brown

CEO @ Triquestra, creators of the Infinity Retail Management System >

“Since 2008, we’ve trusted Mata with Triquestra’s visual identity and design. Our brand and offerings have evolved during this time and we believe Mata’s understanding of our voice, combined with beautiful and innovative design has created a clear market position for our company, increasing engagement with our content, product and services.”


In one image, responsive website build, brand reinvention, packaging concept, dieline and design, photography and illustration for Savour is a good way to show the range of design, build and promotion that can be done by Mata. Customer experience all the way from the shelf to the website.

From SAAS product, to web product, interactive online responsive solutions to the highly complex and creative world of game design. Doing everything from concept to delivery in these spaces is a pleasure. Starting with product design for CD-ROMs and moving to internal intranets for telco, creative and media companies was the start of needs driven product design. As technology evolved products were possible in the browser and engines appeared to help product design.

🡸 Partnership in Design 🖤 🡺


The art of Wiesław Wałkuski has always inspired me :)

Reaching out. It’s time to open up and self-promote.

I am ready for any roles or projects:

  • Full time on-site/hybrid/remote roles.

  • Contract on-site/hybrid/remote contracts.

  • Projects on-site/hybrid/remote projects.

Sharing projects in detail now, I hope you enjoy seeing the range of older and new work in the montages too, contact me if you want to talk, best, M@