D3: Making a Mark

Making a mark, making a move

Seeing a post that D3 are moving offices showing off the logo that Mata did in 2018 for friend and client Alex Radford inspired me to do a quick post about the D3 logo.

Since the two logo designs were done for the leadership company and the sub company, the sub company has taken over.

D3 is a digital agency that is results driven. They have grown from a small startup agency to a large team of performance driven professionals.

I have yet to do a special branding post on the logo design for D3, but the flexibility that was the core in the design means it can be used in many ways. Now having to be accepting of a fixed signage regime in their new space, the reversed out white on black logo is used. A departure from the spectrum option that became the main logo.

D3 are your go-to for specialist digital marketing and media. Honesty is one of their key values, so you won't find a lengthy list of services that they can't do.

I will be doing a post about the logo design soon; it features on the hero image on my home page as part of the branding offering.


Joining in on the conversation: adding a UX design perspective to A/B word testing.


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