Designing an Open Space Logo: The Evolution from Futurestate to D3

Hey digital agencies, branding plays a pivotal role in communicating a company's identity and values, you know that.

This is especially true for D3, a New Zealand-based digital agency that evolved from its predecessor, Futurestate. The journey of rebranding involved a thoughtful and collaborative process, particularly in designing a new logo that would encapsulate the agency's mission and flexibility. This transformation was done in close collaboration with Alex Radford, to create a logo that would stand as a testament to the diversity and adaptability of D3.

The Challenge: A Need for Flexibility and Diversity

As Futurestate was alongside D3, there was a clear need to differentiate the new brand. The challenge was to create a logo that was not only visually appealing but also flexible enough to adapt to various branding needs. The agency's broad digital services required an adaptive design that could represent everything from web development to digital marketing. This is where the concept of an "open space" logo came into playβ€”a design that could be customized to reflect the agency's multifaceted nature.

The approach to the logo design was both rapid and highly collaborative. Working closely with Alex Radford, the goal was to create a logo that was more than just a static image. The idea was to develop a "filled D" design, where the interior space of the letter "D" could be creatively utilized for various branding skins. This open space concept allowed the logo to serve as a canvas for different elements, themes, and colors, effectively showcasing the diversity and versatility of D3's digital offerings.

The Result: A dynamic and adaptive Logo

The final design was a perfect embodiment of the agency's ethos. The "filled D" logo became a dynamic symbol of D3, capable of evolving alongside the agency's projects and campaigns. Whether the logo featured a sleek, minimalist design for a tech-centric campaign or a vibrant, colorful pattern for a creative project, it consistently communicated the brand's commitment to innovation and adaptability.

The logo's adaptability also extended to its practical applications. From digital platforms to print materials, the design maintained its integrity and visual impact. This flexibility not only enhanced D3's brand identity but also allowed for seamless integration across various media and marketing channels.

Full trust design

One of the most rewarding aspects of this rebranding project was the level of trust between Mata and the D3 team. The rapid design process was made possible by this mutual trust, allowing Mata to explore creative ideas without hesitation. This open, trusting relationship was instrumental in delivering a logo that perfectly captured the essence of D3.


The transformation of Futurestate into D3 was more than a mere rebranding; it was a complete reimagining of the agency's identity. Thanks to Mata's innovative design and the collaborative efforts with Alex Radford, D3 now boasts a logo that not only represents the agency's current offerings but is also flexible enough to grow with the brand. The "filled D" logo is a testament to the power of thoughtful design and the importance of a cohesive, adaptable brand identity in the digital age. For more information about D3 and their services, visit


Founded 19 Years Ago


Kiwi PyCon X: 10 Years of Kiwi PyCon celebrated with design.