Karen Murrel Brand + Packaging + Website + the plusses.

Karen and I worked together to create her new brand after Skinfood. Karen Murrell.

How did she come up with her brand name that was her own name? I gave her the confidence to use it :)

The packaging concept

Karen Murrell is a range of ECO-CERT certified organic skincare and natural lipsticks. Being involved at the genesis point of the project was key to creating a world class brand. Each product has a custom sleeve style box design with multi-lingual instructions underneath the upper section. A space saving design meaning we focus on creativity and shelf impact.

The main objective of the packaging was to make an impact in the crowded skincare and makeup retail space. Take the world on and do better. Be organic but bold and bright and not rely on fake natural stocks to try and imbue the vibe. Get to the core of the luxurious nature of each product and shout it out loud.

Packaging promotion photographs and backgrounds.

Before the dynamic outers, came the inner packaging. Tubes and airless pumps were sourced, concepted and designed. the full black organic product shone here, not like any other on the market. Stealth and tactile, with differing gloss levels on each tube and pump.

With the packaging for the skincare products, Karen branched out and did lipsticks, moving into the makeup world and making lipsticks that were organic and okay. Okay mean okay to eat. Why? Lipstick goes on your lips and sometimes into your mouth, so organic, pure and edible is the way to go.

Karen would come up with the colours she loved and I would come up with a brand name and colourway. Andrew would do the illustrations and I would tie it all together.

Website design and build

A new website was built. Using HTML, CSS, Javascript and plug-ins the new website was launched. The website showcased all products and used the dynamic packaging designs to brand the website strongly. The branding of the packaging was bought through to the website design to make a strong brand connection.

Mata designed and hand coded the website build. Another change to show the full service Mata has to be able to be a one stop creative and build partner.

To be able to go from the genesis of a product to seeing it on the shelves and online is truly special. The realisation of somebodies dream that you have helped make a reality.

A sustainable safe product, full service design from Mata.

Poster designs for Karen Murrell Skincare.

Roles for Mata in this project:

  • Brand Creation

  • Product Concept

  • Packaging

  • Illustration

  • Website design/build

  • Advertising

  • Corporate Identity

  • Photography

Additional Resource

  • Andrew Archer illustrator on women's products.


Art A Face: Brand is all about face


TIB Brand: The Insurance Brokers logo, stationery and website