Dataprint InMotion: User Interface, review, improve and prototype

Dataprint has a traditional and digital mail solution that is integrated as a complete system.

Please note: in 2021 Dataprint was made part of the Freightways Group. As part of that shift the website (by Mata) and associated applications moved under the tech wing of Freightways and Mata is no longer doing any work for Dataprint. Names of products, branding and information is all property of Freightways and may have changed since publishing this post.

Product Review

Dataprint had a product that worked from a development standpoint. The connection between traditional mail and electronic replacement mail was one that was managed internally very well. But there was a gap for larger organisations that do bulk mailing to manage their own mail distribution.

The first phase of the project was a review of the system which was done in a 24-page document that concluded with a wireframed UI improvement suggestion and rationale.

The InMotion logo was an in-house creation using the same typography structures of the main DataPrint logo design. The concept was refined as part of the review process.

With a successful review and rationale on each page directing the team on how to improve the product straight away, designs were started.

User Interface Design

The initial wireframe was well received, and from that additional page views were created. Simple logon screens to paginated data and letter editing pages were designed.

The designs were guide designs to show the design language to the development team. Mata worked on site with the developers to do some refinements and see the challenges facing the team. A simple, easy to navigate, system was developed to handle bulk data.

Dashboard Data

Dashboard views were prototyped with rationale. Here there was a challenge around the display of data and a rotating card and lower extension system was developed. Filters, searching, pagination and navigation to navigate tonnes of data.

Less Screens - More Collaboration

Throughout the process Mata worked with the team directing the design during the updates. Regular reviews and feedback docs were sent between the developers and Mata.

The restyling of the product went well and was a great improvement to the way it looked and felt previously.

The pages were briefed into development and produced with some artwork requirements and build help.

The project consisted of many parts to get it over the line, from a review to concept, concept to prototype, prototype to delivery to Dataprint with the developer.


Being inspired: A dynamic program sheet for NZFW and Black Label